RT Swindoll - Wonder for the Modern Mind

RT Swindoll Science Fiction

Wonder for the Modern Mind

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Now Available

Gin and Cologne in the Wearable Tech Apocalypse

Audiobook, ebook, and print—oh my!

Gin & Cologne in the Wearable Tech Apocalypse

"Fun, smart, and unforgettable. The witty characters, goofball robots, and ominous plot grab you from the first page and never let go." —Adam

"My son ran in while I was laughing my ass off at the climax and tried to steal the computer from me. I was like no." —Emily


RT Swindoll presents

Gin & Cologne in the Wearable Tech Apocalypse

Outrageous and wickedly fun! If Douglas Adams and Jane Austen had a robot love child...

Ronny Cologne IV will do anything to keep the trust fund. Attend “bored” meetings. Kiss a**. Even flush away twenty years Earth-time on Father’s interstellar cruise.

But a drink on the spaceliner with Allison Gin, genius programmer, leaves a weight on his chest. She’s as much a Company slave as he is. Drinks lead to confessions, confessions to love—now Ronny’s gotta rescue them both from Father’s clutches...except the cutthroat billionaire has set a dastardly trap for Ronny on Earth.

Allison’s no fool. Her pure untested AI just might save her career and the rest of humanity, too, assuming she can stop Ronny from screwing the future first.

Gin & Cologne in the Wearable Tech Apocalypse is...

  • a big, binge-able comedy adventure in three acts
  • a technological farce, driven by relatable characters (and their neuroses)
  • a cheeky space opera, dripping with heart, and accessible to adult readers of all stripes

Is serial entrepreneur Ronal Cologne a thinly veiled metaphor for another space tech billionaire? You decide.

Meet Argyle the Barbot, an AI disaster-artist just self-aware enough to know when to drug you, pop a switchblade, or kick your nihilism about the future in the cajones.

Flavor notes: hints of disaster capitalism, salty sardonic bite, silly romantic body, unabashed aftertaste of hope. Sip or toss down—sits well, either way.



Coming soon to Audible! Available on plenty of other platforms, too.


Search your favorite eBook retailer for "Gin Cologne" and find me alongside suggestions for eau de toilette.

Paperback & Hardcover


About RT Swindoll
Wonder for the Modern Mind

Anxious are the wonder-starved. So many wonders cross vast distances to touch our lives, only to fall unseen and unheard, and we moderns are restless in the absence.

I write to pierce the veils that shroud our senses and reveal the wonder in our midst. Come settle into a story of cosmic significance.


Gin & Cologne in the Wearable Tech Apocalypse (2024)

"Baby Junior," "Seahorses,"
The Lost Legends: Book of Monsters (2023)

"The Problem with Elves," "Tavernfall,"
The Lost Legends (2019)

Song of the Sunbird (2007)


Let's connect. Contact me at author@rtswindoll.com

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